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Explore the API demos of BoldSign

Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Embed signing process within your app

Seamlessly collect eSignatures within your app by embedding BoldSign signer page in it.

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Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Redirect to signing page from your app

Collect eSignatures by redirect your users directly to their signing page without sending an email.

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Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Embed send document within your app

Send eSignature request within your app by embedded BoldSign sending page in it.

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Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Dynamic field positioning with text tags

Send document for signature with text tags without locating the fields using co-ordinates.

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Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Employee On-boarding agreement

Collect eSignature from your hired employee for the On-boarding documents on salary, policies, rules and regulations.

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Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Insurance claim app

This demo application allows you to experience the convenience of a self-service insurance claim portal using BoldSign embedded signatures.

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